What is Non-Owners Insurance?
Non-owners car insurance is only Liability insurance that can be used if you don’t own a vehicle but still need insurance. If you occasionally borrow a friend's vehicle, you might want to purchase a non-owners policy from your AMCO/REMCO agent. If you get into an at-fault accident in someone’s vehicle your non-owners policy can cover some of the damages.
· A driver that does not own a vehicle
· You have two cars that aren’t driven all the time but need insurance.
· Suspended license that requires an SR-22
Non-Owners for an SR-22
SR-22’s are certificates that express you have the state’s minimum liability insurance. You only need an SR-22 if your license is suspended or is court ordered. SR-22’s are not insurance. It only means you have liability coverage. If you do not own a vehicle but need to get your license back, you will need to purchase a non-owners policy.
Not all companies offer SR-22s, only because they present a risk. Your AMCO/REMCO agent can explain everything in full detail. If your current policy does not offer an SR-22, you can always purchase a non-owners policy. You will be paying for two policies; however non-owners policies are always cheaper.
You can see more information on our amcousa.com website.
Non-owner liability coverage
Liability covers damage you cause in an at-fault accident. It doesn’t cover physical damage to your vehicle only to the other driver.
Non-owner uninsured motorist coverage
Non-owners uninsured motorist covers an accident caused by the other person who is not insured. Coverage details depend on the individual policy, this covers bodily injury costs for you or your passenger(s), and damages to your vehicle.
Call us today for a Non-Owners Policy at 1-800-282-2000