Remco & Amco Insurance
What Happens When I Get A DWI or DUI?
Getting behind the wheel when you’ve been drinking is always a bad idea, which can haunt you for a very long time. It can cause you to have to pay expensive court costs, high insurance, and may require you to get an SR-22.
At Remco & Amco Insurance we can still help people with a DWI or a DUI, and we also offer SR-22’s. If you would like to talk to somebody about an SR-22 you can call 1-800-282-2000 or visit our website.
What happens after A DUI/DWI?
After a person gets a DUI or DWI, they can expect their auto insurance rates everywhere to be more expensive. Your estimated post-DUI rates will increase by 30%-100% or even more. This is because on your record you look like you’re more of a risk for auto insurance companies.
Your insurance premium is all based on your driving record, so if they find a DWI on your record your premium will be sky high. You will be charged accordingly on your down deposit as well. You will be considered as a high-risk driver. Your insurance company might not want to insure you anymore depending on which company you are with.
They cannot drop you altogether but they can choose not to renew your policy. Different states can vary depending on companies. You can expect a big increase for at least three years or in some states the premium will stay high for as long as the DUI is on your record. Talk to an agent at Remco & Amco Insurance if you have more questions, we’ll be happy to help. Our number is 1-800-282-2000.
Filing SR-22, FR-44 or FR-19
Depending on which state you live in they might require you to file one of these forms to prove that you are insured before letting you hit the road again. SR-22’s are referred to as “statements of financial responsibility,” they are filed by your insurance company on your behalf. Click here for more info.
What To Do From Here?
Shop around to find the best quotes possible. The DUI/DWI will affect you negatively but Remco & Amco Insurance can always price match. DUI (driving under the influence) is a lesser charge than a DWI (driving while intoxicated) in some states. Some states do not tolerate drunk driving and is a crime no matter what. Please go to your local Amco & Remco store and ask about our SR-22’s. You can also call us at 1-800-282-2000. We would love to hear from you.
Remco & Amco Insurance